Friday, May 16, 2008

Bloody Mary is NOT the girl i love
So yea its 3:30 in the morning and Im awake...This wouldnt be anything new to me other than the fact that tonight Im actually tired and my mind isnt racing with thoughts going about 1000mph instead my heart is...As pathetic as it would sound if I said this was from a boy Im afraid to tell you its worse..way worse like seriously 10 times worse....Before I go on with my embarrassing story this is my new blog...My old one is erased, well not erased bc I saved it on a flash drive who knows why bc lord knows I'll probably just end up losing it but I felt wrong just erasing it but I had to because I was afraid someone was catching on to my secret blog life...Im probably just being paranoid since seriously who blogs anymore...Well plently of people but Im pretty sure everyone around here kinda got over it in high school after the whole Live journal is my life era...geez that was almost as big of a hit as pogs..yea those cardboard like discs that everyone was in a craze about and had like tournaments and stuff...ha I never really knew how to play but I have to admit I was definately one hell of a pog hustler. I never actually admitted to it but I was the reason nobody could bring their pogs to school in third grade anymore because after recess when everyone would go to the bathroom I would act like I forgot my personal soap I would bring to wash my hands (I was convinced this girl Cassandra who peed her pink power ranger costume at our class halloween party had dog AIDS and refused to use the soap after her) When I would go into get it I would empty out my classmates plasic tube pog holders into my luch box, but of course a little bit at a time so it wouldnt be so obvious..Then when I got on the bus I would take a sneak peek at what I got and any boy slammers that I happened to cop that day would be thrown at people on the bus.I remember thinking it was the funniest thing in the world weird I know...Anyway I now realize I subconsciously threw the boy slammers at people on the bus not only for entertainment but also to frame this boy Guy Snyder with the crime and it worked..I also told the guidance counselor he tried to show me his penis on the bus in first grade but he was really doing that thumb trick and I thought it was his penis bc I didnt really ever see a penis but anyway wow Im rambling about pogs and how I ruined some boys life at the early age of primary school anyway...
Ok so nobody knows I blog not bc Im embarrassed bc that last think I care about is what people think but bc Im really not willing to give all the local goingnowherefast haters anything else to talk about me with....I couldnt stay more under the radar/stay out of all local scenes/borderline antisocial and I still hear wow Ashleyelizabeths boobs just bigger but are still firm she must have had another boob job...comedy since I never had one to beging with...or did you see her hair its so blonde she had to have bleached it bc she wants to be in playboy and to look just like brooke hogan..again comedy bc my hair got lighter from being in florida and brooke hogan never did playboy...or all the bs rumors that are made up about me, a girl, who yea has a rack, yea has bleach blonde hair, and yea happens to wear heels on a daily basis but also has a brain with her boobs, has a dream for her future, reaches goals everyday and sets goals towards the bigger picture she dreams about nonstop which is why she is turning those dreams into her reality and the people to busy talking about her and lack the motivation to go out and do big things have nothing better to do than be jealous...Well I gotta comment on the mothers day rant I had about her reminiscing about how I was an antichrist growing up, from someone I never met or talked to saying u should check out this kid ryans myspace so I was like weird that last name really sounds familiar so I go on myspace type in his name and like 12 pages come up all his so I randomly chose one to click on and to my surprise he used to be in this band this kid mark who randomly came to one of my parties last summer used to sing for and I randomly took the train to go see them with erica last summer at the troc, so the world was to small in that instant and someone was way to close to my identity for comfort or who knows maybe it was just a coincidence but I wasnt willing to take that chance of it not being so I started fresh.....And the reason my first blog entry with my new acct is written at 4 in the morning now, without proper puncuation and filled with rambling is because I bought a DVD at Big Lots not bc I wanted it but bc i thought it was cool to buy a dvd for $2.00 and it ended up being Urban Legends Bloody Mary...And even tho I hate scary movies with a passion and they overstimulate my brain and make me high strung I decided to put it in before I went to bed becaue erica was staying over so I didnt have to watch it alone....The next thing I know is one minute Im laughing how ridiculous the movie is with her and then next minute shes asleep and Im contemplating peeing the bed bc Im scared to death to go into the bathroom bc the shower curtain is closed and I think that bloody mary psycho is creepin in there...Oh welll guess its like my fear of thunderstorms something Im not going to out grow....I have to work in 2 and a half hours and have no sleep ha this is my life not as pretty as it seems...Ill leave my last note on the questiong running through my head to get rid of being paranoid about mary is where is some holy water when you need it I thought super wawa's were supposed to have everything...Not so much.

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