Friday, May 16, 2008

Mind as well start getting ready for work and write off another night of sleep..

Well no chance of sleeping now even though Ill probably endup falling asleep a half hour before I usually get up for work and then try and peel myself out of bed..I hate that..It's like waking up five minutes before your alarm goes off and then going back to sleep for those five minutes until the second you passout and than the alarm goes off just ten times worse...I was seriously contemplating getting in the shower real quick now, getting ready for work and than sleeping until I have to leave but Im sure the head honcho's would frown upon that idea, not because I wouldnt look as professional from rolling out of bed disheveled of course but because they "appreciate and enjoy" when Im all done up.....Nothing like corporate America.. I think their all a bunch of cheese heads but oh well if they are stupid enough to assume Im nothing more than another dumb blonde that looks like one of the girls in the pornos they probably have on VHS thats just fine with me because they are in for quite a surprise, and they better watch out because before they know it Ill be farther up corporate ladder than they have because I have no problem stepping on them to get there...Ew that kinda sounded sexual ew mental picture..gross...So I skimmed my last post and I think I might have been a little delerious....Aside from the absolutely mind boggling rambling it sounded like a person that is just learning to read and write in english that hasn't been introduced to grammer yet wrote it, sorry about that. Its definaltely the sleep deprivation, I dont know how Im going to get done that analysis I need to have completed and sent by today..ugggh guess I'll have to find a way. I have a feeling today is going to suck, probably because it just started raining like an hour ago. Oh well I'll find a way to make the best of it or at least try. Guess it is time for me to start my day and put to professional wear on and get a head start on my work.....Great..
Wow I just realized Im going to turn 22 next week..My bday is on monday, hopefully my birthday this year is better than last year....but who knows as long as I dont end up in the ER getting stitches covered in blood with a beer bottle sticking out of my eye like last year Ill feel fortunate

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