Friday, May 16, 2008

Here's To the Crazy Ones, The misfits, The rebels, The Trouble Makers....

I never doubted that the road to the top, the road to success, the road to making my dreams come true would be lonely but I guess I didn't realize how bad being this also really feels. I know I'm going to have people working against me, I know people are going to be intimidated by how far Ive gotten in so little time, I know people are going to be jealous because they CHOSE not to do anything with their lives but I NEVER thought that the people I thought were supporting me would ever doubt me. I'm confused that these "believers" in me believed I could do it but didn't realize what I was going to do. I say going to be because I can do what ever I put my mind to, I never have doubted myself which is why I've gotten this far so how dare you ever doubt me?
I am never going to give up on my dreams, and I believe the person with big dreams is more powerful than the one who has nothing other than useless facts. You don't understand, because although you had the desire to accomplish something which gave you the motivation to make your dreams come true it didn't work for you, and you ended up settling for less than you dreamed of achieving but there is a major difference between me and you. Although we had the same desire to make our dreams come true, and both were motivated and made goals you gave up and I didn't. It's my determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of my goal that kept me going, a commitment to excellence that enabled me to attain the success that I already achieved that others deemed as "impossible" when I first began my journey, and it is that same determination and commitment that is going to bring me all the way. So do me a favor for your sake, NEVER deem my dreams unrealistic, or say I'm pushing the envelope, or tell me it is impossible because because I promise you, I will prove you wrong leaving you with nothing other to do than eat your own words. I got this far not because it was easier for me, or because I was smarter than you, or because things just went my way because they didn't, that is where u went wrong. You gave up the first time everything fell apart, that is was it for you, you were done, and I understand how devastating it is, but what you don't realize is how many time Ive been knocked down to ground zero. That is why I survived because every time I got pushed right back to where I started I didn't let it end my race I let the situation empower me and started from the bottom up again. It wasn't easy, it was hard, and even harder the second and third time and who knows there most likely will be a fifth and sixth but that wont ever stop, I will never give up, I am willing to do whatever I have to no matter how bad it hurts or how hard it is because I am passionate about achieving greatness and making my dreams that everyone may think are crazy come true. So the difference between me and you is NOT a lack of strength or a lack of knowledge, it was lack of will on your part, you chose not to press on and I did. In order to succeed you have to double your rate of failure. You think of failure as the enemy but it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure of learn from it, you have to make mistakes, make as many mistakes as you can because that is where you'll find success. The ones that make it to the top are the ones who made more mistakes because they were willing to take a chance and try new things because if your not willing to do that you will never reach your maximum potential, you will always be mediocre. I am anything but mediocre I promise you that. This is me and only me and I am going to make it. So keep laughing keep rolling your eyes keep doubting me because it will make the day I make it mean that much more to me.....So this goes out to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The ones who see things differently, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, others see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world...are the ones that do.

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